09 March 2010


Well... after a long, sleepless flight, we made it to Korea. We landed at about 5:00pm (12am at home). It took us about an hour and a half to get to Bundang, where we will be living. Our apartment is small, but cute. It has wonderful heated floors and a giant window facing out to the street below.

Our boss took us out for Chinese with her mother (who also works at her school), and brother. The Chinese food was delicious. However, any notions we had of eating less over here flew out the window that first night. The food just kept coming and coming!  After dinner, we took a tour of our school, and didn't get back to our apartment until 11pm. Needless to say, work the next morning was rough.

After a few good nights of sleep and a few days on the job, we are both feeling a bit more comfortable.  We even made it to and from work today without any help! The kids are adorable and well behaved for the most part.  Both Clayton and I taught science today, which was a little hectic. Neither of us feel very prepared for the classes we are teaching. Luckily the experiments are already planned, so we just have to do them. Today we made "Strata" using cups with beans, sugar, rice, and flour. It was messy, but fun.

Last night this crazy guy from school took us out to dinner. He is from Tasmania, rides a motercycle, and sounds like he should be carrying around a bowie knive in New York. He ordered us a a dish that is basically thick bacon covered in red bean paste. You wrap it in lettuce and dip it in sauce. We also had this fluffed up egg dish. Both were tasty.

Our main challenges thus far have been trying to decipher the 12 different (and sometimes conflicting) schedules at the school, and trying to find an ATM that actually works in English. Once we figure out those things, we'll be great!

 Here are some pictures of our first day:

Our first view of Korea:
The Seoul-Incheon International Airport:
The city of Incheon, as we left the airport:
Have no fear, Audra will not die from Coffee withdrawls!

More adventures to come...

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