Christmas came early this year at Grace School. On Thursday, we had the school "Santa Party." We spent a few hours making paper Christmas trees with our classes. Clayton's class did a lovely job, and even made paper presents for their tree. Meanwhile, we got a little distracted in my class, and used our materials to make masks, Rudolph noses, and antlers.
After making trees, the kids were visited by Santa. Santa, who was played by a friend of ours, was not the most believable of St. Nicks, with his strap-on beard and 5,000 won Santacon suit. His case wasn't helped much by the fact that he was required to read a really terrible version of the story of baby Jesus. The kids weren't buying it. Sam, who had already been acting a bit like the Grinch, ran out of the room when his name was called. And Sue shouted, "You're not Santa, really!" upon meeting him. Nonetheless, they enjoyed receiving gifts and playing with them after lunch.
We ended the day by playing the classic claymation Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (a suggestion made my Clayton and myself of course). While it wasn't exactly the Christmas party we are used to, we had fun. We always enjoy those rare days when we get to spend time simply playing with the kids. I'm not sure who eats it up more, us or them!
Photo-bomb courtesy of Dave.
Class photo, sans Sam.
Funny face time!
Hard at work making the tree.
Not so hard at work. :-)
Sue... one of the smartest kids we've met. In another lifetime, I think we would be bff's.
Sam overcame his Grinchy-ness, but wasn't so sure about Santa.
Sophia and Roy. You can't help but love him!
Clayton's class, hard at work.
Clayton spent about an hour trying to get Roy's toy to transform from a robot to a semi-truck. Ages 5+? More like Ages 20+ with a degree in engineering!
Audra's Class Tree
Clayton's Class tree.
Merry Christmas-uh!